prisma in motion, 2018

prisma in motion, 2018
Moving image, screen, aluminum, wood, original score by Mistier Music
“Prisma in Motion” involves moving images capturing crystals, like healing white quartz, and spectroscopy optics in sunlight. They mingle in-camera for vivid and authentic refractions and observations of visual wavelengths. The footage was carefully edited during and in response to the original musical composition. Every segment aligns both the intention of meditation and suggestion of illumination from within. Synthesizers, loops, live instrument and vocal recordings and samples from nature converge for the sonic journey. The audio visual movement creates a compassionate, empowering journey into oneself, tapping counter energies to oppressive restraints. As an installation, high polish aluminum veneer (or mylar) finish the surface of a truncated square pyramid. It opens wide to its viewers and their reflections, then pointing inward towards the screen.
The transcendental journey suggests that what is greater than circumstance is the inner process of any individual. Creating under the influence of expanding consciousness and globally connected networks, we observe how the social swing from cycles of infliction towards ideals has shifted to the individual like never before.
Liberation starts from within. We must find our voices and empower them with self love. We are made of love, it is our constant. Oppression and reward are either internal or external. By tapping our internal power, the former can not be taken away. We believe that the great source of harmony in the universe, across borders and barriers of all kinds is within every individual. Art has the power to inspire and reflect that source, becoming expansive and exponential. That is our commitment, to make art that reflects the beautiful gifts and love inside of us and share in growing its potent impact. With this shared energy, we find healing, compassion and the counter to selfish oppressive regimes. Through this bridge of art, we are inspired to our (innate) power which is strengthened when shared.